Off-the-shelf application forms for government programs

Eximee GOV application forms
Use a ready-to-go solution for end-to-end processing of applications submitted through online banking for government programs:
- Family 800+
- Family 800+ UKR
- Good Start 300+
- Support benefit for people with disabilities
- Active Parent
Comprehensive solution
With ready-made application forms for government programs, your IT team can skip the hassle of designing and building custom solutions—saving you valuable time and resources.
Our applications ensure reliability and complete compliance with all legal requirements so you can focus on what matters most.
Swift implementation of these solutions gets you a competitive advantage over other banks.
Major benefits for your bank
- excellent UX
- compliance with the requirements of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS)
- integration with ZUS services
- integration with electronic and mobile banking
- front-end customization according to the bank's style guide
- monitoring of application forms statuses
- quick implementation
Do you have any questions?
Contact us
Consdata S.A.
ul. Bolesława Krysiewicza 9/14
61-825 Poznań
tel. +48 61 41 51 000