Customer self-service in bank

Communication archive - history of cases
Customer communication centre


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Customer Service Space

Customers like to be free to choose the form of contact and the way of dealing with their issues. By implementing our Customer Service Space, you will meet their expectations. Customers will be able to independently determine the type of issue to be processed and choose the appropriate contact channel.

We will make sure that the configuration of available issues is dynamic, taking into account the available channels, the device from which the customer connects, and in the case of a logged-in customer - his profile and products. You will also be free to configure the types of issues and their availability in particular contact channels together with the preferred forms.


Your customers will be delighted how quickly they will be able to perform even more than 200 self-service orders through an online transactional service. Cancellation of a card, repayment of a loan, modification of a credit limit, change of a card type or configuration of ordered bills will be possible in a few seconds.

The eximee platform will take care of quality and ergonomics for you. It will use the same solutions as in the case of full-scale applications, i.e. authorization with a secure tool or monitoring and statistics.




An efficient contact between the customer and the bank's employees is the basis for the provision of all services that customers are unable to provide through self-service orders. For this purpose, we provide your customers with a functional Mail 2.0 tool, which aggregates all communication channels - i.e. text messages, applications and orders, video calls, chat, audio calls.

Mail 2.0 for the customer is a place of secure exchange of information with the bank, including transferring and receiving documents.

For the bank, it is a universal medium that allows you to group the handled issues and notifications into workboxes (for individual departments or employees) and send mass messages. The employee can also verify whether the client has read the document - which is particularly important in the case of updating regulations or information about changes in the bank.

The history of communication

A separate point worth presenting is the history of communication between the customer and the bank in Mail 2.0. For reasons of customer safety, banks must apply clear and rigid procedures, which often involve the need for customers to meet various obligations. This is why it is so important that customers have an intuitive insight into the history of all communication with the bank, combining into a chronological list of contacts from different channels: audio calls, chat+video and text messages.

Correspondence can be divided into issues (threads), providing a communication archive on a particular issue and enabling quick search for a particular topic.



Complaints are not a pleasant matter for both the customer and the bank. However, an appropriate approach to handling complaints can alleviate the disputed situation and reduce the level of stress. Therefore, we have developed solutions that address stressful situations and allow reporting and solve difficult issues in a transparent way.

In practice, using the micro-frontends technology, we combined three proprietary tools (eximee applications, Mail and Customer Service Space) into one system for handling complaints, integrated with a banking portal:

  • Complaint applications may be developed on the bank's side (like other applications).
  • Handling of complaints takes place in the existing communication system with the customer (Mail 2.0)
  • The customer has easy access to the complaint - through Customer Service Space - consistent with access to other types of issues

Search engine

Making even more than 200 self-service orders available to customers is very convenient from the customer experience point of view. It would be a pity to waste this effect if the customer is unable to find the right order. This is why a special search engine was created, which is the answer to the problem of quick finding and access to:

the type of issue the customer would like to deal with

information on pending or completed customer cases

The tool allows the users to search by name, type or case number. Using it is very intuitive, which will be appreciated by even the most demanding customers.


Do you have any questions?

Contact us

Consdata S.A.

ul. Bolesława Krysiewicza 9/14

61-825 Poznań



tel. +48 61 41 51 000



Maciej Ulaszewski

Digital Transformation Expert & Co-Founder

tel. +48 783 383 153



Consdata S.A.
Krysiewicza Street 9/14
61-825 Poznan

Tel.:+48 61 41 51 000

Tax number: 7822261960
Regon: 634422180


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