mBank supports the most incredible charity event in the world... using i.a. solutions from Consdata

Such a huge event could not have happened without the support of technology companies and banks.

Zespół Consdata

The Digital Banking Transformation Trends that you cannot ignore in 2020.

Consdata news

Will you disrupt the status-quo in your bank in 2020? If you do not ignore these trends, it is very possible that you will! czytaj więcej

2-01-2020 | Kacper Kwiatkowski

e-government and e-banking. Will Poles be digitalizing Saudi Arabia?

Consdata news

The Polish example of cooperation between public administration and banking, as part of the development of a e-government, has a chance to be popularised in Saudi Arabia. czytaj więcej

17-12-2019 | Kacper Kwiatkowski

Challengers, Hyper-Personalization, Ecosystems and Fintechs: The Summary of EFMA Asian Retail Banking Summit 2019

Consdata newsTrends

How can you catch up with Challenger Banks? What can you do to become a disruptor? Is investing in technology the only effective solution? czytaj więcej

12-11-2019 | Tomasz Ampuła

How far in digital banking transformation are you?

Digital transformation

Only 17% of banks in the world are now able to boast that they have implemented a full scale digital transformation strategy. Where are you now? czytaj więcej

4-11-2019 | Tomasz Ampuła

Bank customers buy experience, not products. A brief summary of the 47th EFMA Congress 2019

Consdata news

In terms of digital transformation, the best banks in the world are lagging far behind their competitors. The difference between best in class and industry average is huge. czytaj więcej

25-10-2019 | Zespół Consdata

EFMA Innovation Summit 2019 – The summary

Consdata news

"If we are now in the calm before the storm, what will we do to fly in the storm? Because no one wants to fall down." czytaj więcej

17-10-2019 | Zespół Consdata

CX measurement in banking and marketing - what is the difference?

Customer Experience (CX)

The analysis of e-banking applications should provide full details of the customer's behaviour when filling in the forms. In this post we explain what the best banks should measure in... czytaj więcej

26-08-2019 | Zespół Consdata

A proven recipe for improving Customer Experience in a bank

Customer Experience (CX)

Fantastic chat-bots, incredible artificial intelligence, engaging gamification... Capgemini emphasizes that they do not improve the Customer Experience of bank customers. So what will work? czytaj więcej

14-08-2019 | Maciej Ulaszewski

Ultra-modern banks in Poland and their impact on the global banking market


Until 30 years ago, the Polish banking sector was backward. Today, according to Deloitte, it is one of the most digitally mature sectors. And all thanks to communism. czytaj więcej

6-08-2019 | Zespół Consdata

BZ WBK gains an effective tool for customer feedback review

Customer Experience (CX)

Effective business decisions derive from reliable feedback from customers. Bank Zachodni WBK (Santander Group) has been provided with a convenient and straightforward tool for collecting feedback. czytaj więcej

2-10-2017 | Tomasz Framski

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