- (misc) The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2018
- (web) polly.j - libek do nagrywania ruchu sieciowego i odtwarzania, np. w testach
- (web) JavaScript engine fundamentals: Shapes and Inline Caches
- (misc) You’re Doing Scrum Wrong, and Here’s How to Fix It
- https://hackernoon.com/youre-doing-scrum-wrong-and-here-s-how-to-fix-it-6d45fdd26721
- Czy któryś z tych punktów Cię bulwersuje? Warto zajrzeć, każdy akapit porównuje kulawego korpo-scruma z ideaowym.
- The Role of the Product Owner
- "...is constantly working to convey the vision in high fidelity to the engineers, so that they can gain a clear understanding of the big picture and can make more intuitive product decisions"
- The Role of the Scrum Master
- "...is responsible for ensuring the team is being agile with a lowercase “a” instead of a capital “A”"
- Spring Planning
- "The story point is not really a measure of effort, it is a measure of complexity..."
- The Spike
- "If ... one sprint is expected to begin immediately after the completion of another, it leaves no time for additional research or clarification..."
- The Daily Standup
- "... the standup is reserved for communicating roadblocks"
- The Retrospective
- "If you are not performing a retrospective ... you are completely disregarding the principles of agile software development."
- Always Be Shipping
- "...you should always be in a position to ship to production at a moment’s notice. Many teams overlook this by simply not pushing to production at the end of every sprint, and lumping several sprints into large releases."
- Celebration
- "This can be an elaborate ceremony on special occasions, or as simple as a team lunch or happy hour after every sprint. It is critical not to overlook this period of rest and appreciation, for it provides the passion and energy that will be needed for the next sprint."
- The Role of the Product Owner
- (misc) Squad Health Check model, czyli jak to robi Spotify
- (web) Typed.js, ciekawa alternatywa dla placeholdera w inpucie?
- (web) Operatory Array i Object w JavaScript które warto znać! Albo chociaż kojarzyć
- (kafka) W Kafce kroi się wsparcie dla systemów przechowujących sekrety
- (web) O co chodzi z promise na prostym przykładzie, jak ktoś jeszcze nie widział to warto chociaż rzucić okiem
- (misc) Kapka historii do poduszki - nie zawsze, i nie wszystkie komputery działały w klasycznym systemie binarnym:
- (spring) Nowa wersja Spring Boota - 2.0.3 - głównie podbite wersje zależności
- (bash) Manewry w bashu, które wypada znać, zamiast tracić czas np. na szukanie komend w historii
- (misc) Temat ujęty w nieco luźny sposób, ale: dlaczego nie robić nadgodzin
- (misc) Coś dla paranoików, i nie tylko: jak przygotować się (a w szczególności swoją elektronikę) do wizyty za granicą
- (java) Zmiana wokół operatora warunkowego w Javie10. Ot, ciekawostka
- (devops) Jenkins X?! Jenkins X is a CI/CD solution for modern cloud applications on Kubernetes
- (jvm) Functional Programming Patterns With Java 8
- (humor) Steve Jobs vs Dennis Ritchie?